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                         GetLineSettings procedure

  DECLARATION:  GetLineSettings(var LineInfo : LineSettingsType)

      PURPOSE:  Returns the current line style, pattern and thickness
                as set by SetLineStyle.

         UNIT:  Graph

      REMARKS:  The type, LineSettingsType has been declared in the
                Graph Unit as follows:

                       LineSettingsType = Record
                                             LineStyle : word;
                                             Pattern   : word;
                                             Thickness : word;

                      { Line Styles }
                      SolidLn     = 0;
                      DottedLn    = 1;
                      CenterLn    = 2;
                      DashedLn    = 3;
                      UserBitLn   = 4;   { User-defined line style }

                      { Line Widths }
                      NormWidth   = 1;
                      ThickWidth  = 3;

 RESTRICTIONS:  Must be in graphics mode.

See Also: SetLineStyle
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